Migrating existing synchronization jobs

After you upgrade to Meridian Enterprise 2017, the new repository synchronization engine is used for all existing jobs and for new jobs by default. Except for creating additional synchronization tasks as listed below if your business case requires them, no new configuration is necessary. As a consequence, synchronization jobs are simpler than before but they can no longer perform individual document processing like rendering.

Depending on the contents of your repository and the types of its synchronization jobs, you may also notice some of the following effects of the conversion of old synchronization jobs to the new method after the upgrade:

The following features of synchronization jobs have been removed since the documents are not synchronized individually. For more information about configuring the alternatives, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide.

Deprecated synchronization job features
Feature Alternative

Rendering during synchronization

Create a replacement Rendition type job.

Configurable synchronization without projects job type No alternative. Projects are always synchronized to the Explorer repository.

Copy content to Explorer repository option

Schedule content import with the new repository option Document Content.

Create thumbnails option

Create a replacement task with the THUMBNAILS repository management tool.

Enable separate options per document option

No alternative. Document properties cannot be used to set synchronization options.

Enable Meridian script events option

No alternative. The Doc_Sync* events do not occur for source documents.

ExplorerSynchronization property set No alternative. The properties are always ignored during synchronization.
Merged folder structures from multiple source vaults No alternative. A separate folder tree appears in the repository for each source vault.

A synchronization validation task should be run after upgrading to this release, which is a best practice after any upgrade. In the unlikely event that the new engine causes problems with an existing job, the old engine can be activated for compatibility. Contact BlueCielo Technical Support for more information.

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Related information

Features deprecated in Meridian Enterprise 2017

Administration improvements

Application link improvements

Client improvements

Configuration improvements

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Documentation improvements

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